Production Credits

Robert S. Baker
Monty Berman (black & white episodes)
Roger Moore (colour episodes)

Harry W. Junkin

Edwin Astley
Theme by Leslie Charteris



Notes about the Production

* It was Lew Grade's decision to film the series not on the cheaper telecine but on film for better quality.
* According to the audio commentary for Episode #1 "The Talented Husband" by Robert S. Baker on the Umbrella DVD the average costs per episode were 25.000 pounds.
* 10 days were used to shoot one episode.
* A well documented story: Roger Moore wasn't aware that the show was going to last one hour per episode! He signed the contract thinking it was a half-hour show... (Owen & Bayan, p.44)
* In some episodes of the german version all references to "The Saint" or depictions of the stick figure were removed! (see Episode #49 "The Imprudent Politician" for example)
After Monty Berman left Robert S. Baker and Roger Moore formed BAMORE to produce the last 47 episodes of "The Saint"
* After 71 black & white episodes the production stopped for six months. New contracts were negotiated with Leslie Charteris who was really upset at this time about the adaptions of his stories as the following quotes prove (for more see also Episode #70 "The Spanish Cow"):
Leslie Charteris, 24th May 1965: <<It is ironic, I have been given to understand that your television series is ending because "there are no more Saint stories" when this script [Episode #71 "The Old Treasure Story"] is one more proof that you have never really needed any of my originals to begin with being so brilliantly able to create your own.
I cannot adequately convey my delight that this is the apparently the last of your Saint productions, and the last time I shall suffer the ordeal of reading the corny abominations which you have lately been perpetrating on my stories. The complete dossier on your bad faith in interpreting our contract being now available, my future communication to you shall be through my lawyers who are currently studying the material at their disposal.>> (Barer, p.132/133)

* But alas, as we know a compromise was found.
Robert S. Baker: <<I explained that I didn't think there were many more of his stories which were suitable to transfer for TV so I asked him if we could invent a few more. That brought us back to the whole veto thing, but in the end it worked out very well. Suddenly we were relieved of the confines of the written word and we could do stories which were much more suitable for one-hour television slots.>> (Simper, p.19)
In the new contract Charteris was given the right to make suggestions for the synopses of the episodes as well as the final scripts. The producers hadn't to follow his recommendations though. Nonetheless Charteris received a consulting fee of $46.000 up until the end of 1967 and $20.000 per year up until the end of 1977. (for the full story see Barer, p.135)
* The situation was also more complicated because Roger Moore intended to quit after the black & white episodes (see the newspaper article in Simper, p.33)

Regular Cast

Roger Moore - Simon Templar
Ivor Dean - Chief Inspector Claude Eustace Teal

* Chief Inspector Teal was played by three actors before the producers settled on Ivor Dean:
    - Campbell Singer in Episode #11 "The Man Who Was Lucky"
    - Wensley Pithey in Episode #14 "Starring the Saint"
    - Norman Pitt in Episode #17 "The Ellusive Ellshaw"
* Ivor Dean appeared in a different role in Episode #14 "Starring the Saint"
* Ivor Dean also played with Roger Moore in an episode of The Persuaders: "A Death in the Family"

Robert S. Baker in 1964: <<We've been rather unlucky. Each time we have introduced a story including Teal we tried to cast one of the actors previously seen in the role but each time they have been working on other productions. Now we consider ourselves lucky to have found Ivor Dean for the part. Most people we have come across seem to regard him as an ideal Teal.>> (Barer, p.124)


Last Updated: 10/09/2004