The Latin Touch
Alexander Knox - Hudson Inverest
Doris Nolan - Maude Inverest
Bill Nagy - Tony Unciello
Warren Mitchell - Marco Di Cesari
Peter Illing - Inspector Buono
Marie Burke - Signora Unciello
Suzan Farmer - Sue Inverest
Robert Easton - Benson
Carroll Simpson - Maria
Anita Sharp Bolster - Ada Harmer
Charles Irwin - Eddie Harmer
Roy Patrick - Georgio
David Calderisi - Vittorio
Tony Arpino - Warder
Directed by John Gilling; Screenplay by Gerald Kelsey & Dick Sharples
Simon is in Rome when he witnesses
the kidnapping of Sue Inverest. The kidnappers don't want money - they
want to postpone the death sentence of Michele Unciello. Sue's father is american
governor Hudson Inverest and the kidnapper is Michele's brother Tony.
Sue's life in exchange for Michele's.
* Warren Mitchell also appears in
Episodes #12 "The Charitable Countess" and #21 "The King of the Beggars" (same role)
* The character of taxi driver Marco would later appear in the stories "A Shark for the Saint" in the Saint Annual 1967 and "All Lit Up" in the Saint Annual 1968.
* Alexander Knox was really married to Doris Nolan (Inverest's wife in this episode!)
* Suzan Farmer also appears in Episodes
#57 "The Sign of the Claw", #77 "The Convenient Monster" and #102 "The Desperate Diplomat"
* Bill Nagy also appears in Episodes
#8 "The Element of Doubt" and #33 "The Good Medicine"
* Bill Nagy is one of the gangsters
in "Goldfinger"
and also had a role in "You'll
Only Live Twice"
* Peter Illing also appears in
Episodes #69 "The Saint Bids Diamonds" and #75 "The Reluctant Revolution"
* Marie Burke also appears in Episodes #12 "The
Charitable Countess", #16 "Teresa" and #113/114 "Vendetta for the Saint"
* Roy Patrick also appears in
Episode #71 "The Old Treasure Story"
* Tony Arpino also appears in
Episode #36 "Sophia"
Look for the change between exterior shots at the Colosseum compared with the studio (0:00).
Why is there no sound when Marco drives away with his taxi? (0:04).
You can clearly see that Roger's not hit by the blackjack - but you can hear the sound... ;-) (0:05).
The shadow of the microphone is visible... (0:10).
This shot is obviously reversed - watch for Roger's birthmark (0:14).
The Mercedes is used in several episodes as the bad guys' car, i.e. #72
"The Queen's Ransom" (0:16).
When Templar is at the street cafe the shutters appear to close midscene (0:35) [Submitted by Robert Verrall].
You can see the exterior background shot through the car's roof. (0:36) [Submitted by Robert Verrall]
An excellent shot when actor Alexander Knox walks up close to the
camera. (0:43). Look for the shadow in the lower left corner of someone
trying to duck out of shot when actor Knox is close to the camera.
[Blooper submitted by Robert Verrall]
* Some clips of this episode were selected but not used for a trailer - see the network DVD or the Via Vision DVD
"Remember, one wrong word and you'll
be a real Saint."
UK: 11th October 1962
* DVD (PAL): Carlton 37115 00813 (2000)
* DVD (PAL): Umbrella DAVID0246 (2003)
* DVD (PAL): network 7952455e (2006)
Last Updated: 02/12/2025