Episode #27 - 2-15

The Benevolent Burglary

John Barrie - Elliot Vascoe
Gary Cockrell - Bill Fulton
Rachel Gurney - Delphine Chambers
Suzanne Neve - Meryl Vascoe
Raymond  Adamson - Jules Brant
Arnold Diamond - Colonel Latignant
Allan McClelland - Morgan Dean
Barry Keegan - Martin Grahame
Henry Vidon - Peter Davos
Neal Arden - Deslauriers
Ian Parsons - Henri
Richard Clarke - Jacques
Ivor Salter - Germaine
Andre Maranne - Radio Operator

Directed by Jeremy Summers; Screenplay by Larry Forrester (pdf Screenplay on network DVD)

In a casino in Monte Carlo Simon meets his old friend Bill Fulton. Because he is a professional drummer in a band the father of his fiancé Meryl Vascoe will not let them marry. On the contrary - he does everything to foil every chance for Fulton to get an employment in a band. So Templar bets against Vascoe that his prized art collection will be robbed in the next 4 days. With a burglar proof alarm system and Colonel Latignant on his heels this seems like an impossible task...

* John Barrie also appears in Episode #83 "Locate and Destroy"
* Gary Cockrell also appears in Episode #3 "The Careful Terrorist"
* Suzanne Neve also appears in Episode #59 "The Frightened Inn-Keeper"
* Raymond Adamson also appears in Episodes #32 "The Saint Plays With Fire" and  #74 "The Russian Prisoner"
* Arnold Diamond also appears in Episodes #26 "The Bunco Artists", #48 "The Death Penalty", #67 "The Persistent Parasite", #70 "The Spanish Cow" and #80 "The Better Mousetrap" (every time the same role!). Diamond also appears in the episode "Five Miles to Midnight" of The Persuaders
* Barry Keegan also appears in Episode #41 "Lida"
* Andre Maranne also appears in Episode #26 "The Bunco Artists"

UK: 26th December 1963

* DVD (PAL): Umbrella DAVID0249 (2003)


Last Updated: 12/22/2007