The Street
Episode #10: The Golden Journey: Costa Brava, Spain
Episode #12: The Charitable Countess: Rome, Italy
Last updated: 10/17/2004
Episode #13: The Fellow Traveller: Stevenage, UK
Episode #14: Starring the Saint: London, UK
Episode #16: Teresa: Lacinta, Mexico
Episode #17: The Elusive Ellshaw: London, UK
Episode #19: The Work of Art: Several locations, Paris, France
Episode #21: The King of the Beggars: Rome, Italy
Episode #26: The Bunco Artists: Nice, France
Episode #27: The Benevolent Burglary: Monte Carlo
Episode #28: The Wonderful War: Several locations, Sayeda
Episode #33: The Good Medicine: Paris, France
Episode #36: Sophia: Kyros, Greece
Episode #39: The Saint Sees it through: Hamburg, Germany
Episode #42: Jeannine: Paris, France
Episode #44: The Revolution Racket: Somewhere in South America
Episode #48: The Death Penalty: Marseilles, France
Episode #50: The Hi-Jackers: Munich, Germany
Episode #51: The Unkind Philantropist: Puerto Rico
Episode #52: The Damsel in Distress: Several locations, Florence, Italy
Episode #55: The Rhine Maiden: Baden Baden, Germany
Episode #58: The Golden Frog: San Carlos
Episode #60: Sibao: Haiti
Episode #72: The Queen's Ransom: Pourcelle (sp?), France
Episode #73: Interlude in Venice: San Michele, Italy
Episode #74: The Russian Prisoner: Street, Geneva, Switzerland
Episode #75: The Reluctant Revolution: San Pablo, South America
Episode #76: The Helpful Pirate: Several locations, Hamburg
Episode #77: The Convenient Monster: Village, Scotland
Episode #78: The Angel's Eye: City, Amsterdam
Episode #79: The Man Who Liked Lions: Anzio (?), Italy
Episode #80: The Better Mousetrap: Cannes, France
Episode #82: Paper Chase: Berlin and Railway Station, Leipzig
Episode #83: Locate and Destroy: Dr. Lopez' practice, Lima, Peru
Episode #84: Flight Plan: London, England, and Merrovic
Episode #90: To Kill A Saint: Paris, France
Episode #91: The Counterfeit Countess: Paris, France
Episode #96: The Power Artists: London, England
Episode #97: When Spring is Sprung: London, England
Episode #107: The House on Dragon's Rock: LLanfairtraws Sychnant, Wales, England
Episode #113/114: Vendetta for the Saint: Naples, Italy